Danette Kubanda

Be what the Buzz is about!

Emmy winning TV producer, media coach, publicity consultant, writer, & speaker.

Get Camera Ready

Whether you’re trying to sell your products, your knowledge, or yourself as an expert in your field, your success depends on what the public knows about you.

Emmy Winner Danette Kubanda will mold you into a model media spokesperson. To become a sought-after TV guest, a reliable expert for the radio, or a go-to resource for the media, you have to know what producers and editors are looking for when booking an interview.

Danette will teach you:

  • How to package yourself and your message 
  •  How to develop your key messages and talking points   
  •  How to speak in sound bites     
  •  How to be visual for TV and video audiences 
  • How to pitch yourself for coveted media interviews
  • How to look great and sound great on camera or via Zoom   
  •  How to craft an effective Call to Action for each of your media appearances
  • How to garner the consumer awareness you need to build your business.

Danette Kubanda is an Emmy award-winning television producer, writer, speaker, media coach, and publicity consultant. Her extensive career spans more than twenty years in the business working for some of the most recognized and respected names in the industry. She’s earned the highest award in the field – twice – with two Daytime Emmy Awards to her credit.

She began her career at CNN, “The Most Trusted Name In News.” She worked on virtually all of the shows airing on CNN and CNNI at the time, including Larry King Live, Crossfire, and Burden of Proof.

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